Hassle-free experiences

Simplify the shopping experience with our size-agnostic checkout.

Probably the world’s first size-agnostic checkout

We have the ability to process transactions in all shapes and forms, everywhere. In-store & online. We are, as far as we know, offering the world’s first comprehensive size-agnostic checkout solution - achieving incredibly high conversion rates at both microscopically small, and astronomically large purchases in life.

Every minute counts. Get started immediately with our plug & play solution, or make a fully fledged API integration with our intuitive and modern REST API:s.

up to 85% acceptance rate on merchant level*.



Get paid anywhere

In store, or online. In this universe, or a parallel one - wherever your customers are, we'll be there, helping you boost your sales & increase conversion.

Boost your sales

Mix flexible payment options with a tablespoon of cutting-edge technology and a handful of intuitive user experience, et voilá - the sales-boosting soup is cooked.

Lightning-fast settlements

We'll make super-duper fast settlements. Why? So you don't have to tie up capital. And, as a bonus, improve your liquidity.

Solutions designed to be flexible

Our solutions are optimized to adapt and meet the unique needs of your business.

Zaver Checkout

Our Checkout is probably the world's first size-agnostic payment platform, helping you close deals in all shapes and forms with incredibly high conversion rates. In-store, or online. Built with love, and cutting-edge technology.

Zaver Cashout

We'll make equally easy for you to get paid, as it is to pay out. With Cashout, you'll be able to do crazy-fast payouts, e.g. when managing refunds, or paying suppliers & customers. Anytime, anywhere.

Payment methods

Increase your customers' purchasing power by offering them the flexibility to decide when and how to pay. You always get paid in full and upfront.

The payment solution behind strong brands

Companies across a wide range of verticals trust Zaver with their payments

Zaver app

Integrate payments your way

With Zaver you can create an adaptable payment solution that fits your business needs.

Go nuts with modern and intuitive REST APIs that are easy to customize and integrated with other systems. Or get started with just a few clicks with a pre-built e-commerce solution from one of our partners. Choose from a variety of popular platforms, such as Shopware, Magento, WooCommerce, and more.

Byggd med dig och dina kunder i fokus

Känn dig trygg med en betaltjänst som ständigt förbättras och optimeras för att du ska kunna erbjuda dina kunder en sån friktionslös köpupplevelse som möjligt.

Maintain your relationships

Your customer relationships are important. With us, you can feel confident that they remain yours.

Less hassle

Our intuitive interface minimizes the risk of mistakes, increases conversion rates and reduces your backoffice workload.

Transaction monitoring

You focus on growth, and we'll help to keep it safe with our transaction monitoring systems built in-house.

Dedicated support

We want to offer you the best possible support by always being available when you need us the most.

BankID identification

We use different kind of authentication methods (market specific) in order to makeeveryone feel safe.

Fraud prevention

Time is up for fraudsters! We know how they think, what they do, and how they do it.

Customer stories

Discover why companies across diverse industries trust Zaver with their payments.

Wanted to switch to something more modern

Juvelia offers exclusive jewelry with a focus on quality. After searching for a more modern payment solution, they chose Zaver, which has been highly appreciated for its simplicity and speed.

Alternative payment methods help patients

City Dental, Sweden's largest private dental clinic, has increased customer satisfaction by choosing Zaver as a payment solution to make major treatments more accessible.

Revolutionizing the Industry with Zaver

Verendus has chosen Zaver as their partner for remote payments, which has improved and streamlined payment processes while enhancing the customer experience.
Kom igång

Redo att komma igång?

Inget krångel, men med en extra dos flexibilitet. ✌️

Kom igång

Solutions tailored to your needs

Get started right away with our web-based "Plug & Play" interfaces, or build a completely customized solution with APIs. Reach out, and we'll find a solution that fits your company's unique need.

Fler genomförda köp med "betala senare".

Vi har alla olika preferenser. Även när det kommer till hur vi vill betala. Genom att möjliggöra för dina kunder att betala senare eller betala i mindre delar kan du få fler med på tåget, och därmed öka din försäljning. Något som är extra fördelaktigt vid större köp - här är vi experter.

i acceptansgrad på handlarnivå*.

