Boost your sales

Not to brag, but our tailor-made payment methods (probably) have the highest conversion rates in the market.

Zaver app

Pay later

The reasons may vary why your customers wants to postpone a payment. By letting your customers buy first and pay later, you can unlock their purchasing power and help them get what they came for.

Zaver app

Pay over time

Providing your customers the ability to spread the cost over time has several advantages. It creates flexibility, freedom, and increased customer satisfaction - resulting in happier and returning customers.

Zaver app

Pay now

Let your customers pay instantly and effortlessly via Swish or online bank transfers. No need to enter any lengthy card numbers or create an account.


Never have I ever... felt safer.

There is no "one-size-fits-all" playbook when discussing security, authentication or anti-fraud for different markets. The availability of data points, digitalized governmental systems, cultural behavior, and technical maturity varies from region to region. Good news is - that's our problem to solve. You can fully focus on the growth of your business, while we're burning the midnight oil constantly improving the user experience for your customers.

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Inget krångel, men med en extra dos flexibilitet. ✌️