EV charging / Fuel

Power up your game with next generation payment convenience

Give your customers uninterrupted access with cardless subscription services and seamless one-click payments using secure payment tokenization.

No cards, no trouble

Forget about expired card details and authorization failures that lead to churn, and effortlessly manage subscription-based services with uninterrupted access for your customers.

One-click payments

Unlock a frictionless checkout experience with one-click payments, allowing your recurring customers to complete purchases instantly and effortlessly.

Improve cash flow

Say goodbye to cash flow gaps and hello to financial stability. With Zaver, you can allow your customers to accumulate recurring purchases post-salary, while you receive payment upfront.

Payment tokenization

Charge with a click

Craft a frictionless customer experience with one-click checkout using payment tokenization. A unique token, generated during the initial purchase, securely identifies the customer and unlocks future charges with a single click.

Reduced risk of data breaches and fraud

Re-use same token across all sale-channels

No card authorization failures. 

Illustration of a EV charging interface with a seamless payment experience managed with a single click, with all transactions handled in the background using the user's token.
Illustration showing various subscription services and recurring payments in the charging and fuel industry.
Payment tokenization

Non-stop subscriptions

Manage your subscription-based services effortlessly, ensuring a steady revenue stream while providing uninterrupted access for customers, regardless of whether they have a binding period or not.

Maintain uninterrupted services

No more expired cards and authorization failures

Payment guarantee – Always leverage upfront payments

Pay end of month

Unlimited access, one monthly payment.

Make your services more accessible for your customers by consolidating multiple transactions into one monthly payment. This allows them to conveniently pay post-salary, while you secure cash flow with instant payouts.

Illustration of an EV charging interface with the option to pay monthly, set against a background showing various charging sessions made throughout the month.

Ready to get started?

Contact us and we will help you find the perfect solution for your business.